High Voltage

SOMOS Music & Art Festival 2022

Albuquerque, NM

Steel Tubing | Galvanized Steel Cable | Plywood

LED Lights | Arduino Teensy | Processing

High Voltage is a multimedia installation of steel, galvanized cable and LED lights. Its form is inspired by the high voltage power lines that dotted the landscape on my family’s farm at the base of the Gila wilderness in Sierra County, New Mexico. The towering modern infrastructure stood in strong contrast to the empty rolling hills of dry grass and grease wood. The main structure of the piece is composed of CNC cut brackets that bolt together steel tubing to create angled pillars that tower over the viewer. These forms are aligned into two opposing rows that create a volume between them housing a lattice of galvanized steel cables, mimicking the linear texture of the overhead power lines as well as refracting the lights that surround it. The lights cast a cloud of color and energy into the area around it, defining the space through light and color in a way that feels similar to the space that exists around, under, and below the towering power lines in the open landscape.