Group Theremin

Steel Tubing | Plywood | Aluminum

Ultrasonic Distance Sensors | LED Lights

Particle Argon | Advatek Pixlite 4 MK2 | Touchdesigner

Group Theremin is a audio visual installation that uses ultrasonic sensors to generate synth like audio and LED animations. Referencing the form of a cell phone tower, the installation challenges the spatial relationship we have with these objects by allowing the viewer to interact with the invisible frequencies around us. This project layers light and audio to create a sensory interaction with the artwork, and your fellow viewers.




The City of Albuquerque Public Art Department and CNM Ingenuity created a call for artist to recieve funding and salary to attend CNM IoT Bootcamp, a full time 10 week course that teaches students how to use sensors, microcontrollers, and write C++ code. During this course, the capstone project was meant to be a work of public art that could exist along the upcoming Rail Trail Development in Albuquerque, NM.

During the IoT Class, I created a prototype to demonstrate the concept and technology. In the video below, I explain my inspiration and thought process for the project as well as how some of the program worked.

After the class I was able to expand on the project and integrate Touchdesigner and DMX LED controls to generate the audio and LED visualizations.